Mil issues


Bit of backstory first, my partners family is weird as hell. They’re all fake and really childish, they talk about each other horribly behind their backs but then act like the happiest family on holidays like Easter and Christmas ect. We stopped putting up with their silly bullshit a few years ago and now only see them like 3 times a year (we all live within an hour of each other so it says heaps about the relationships we have with them)


We’re expecting our first baby any day now, my partner and I decided very early on that we didn’t want anyone to visit us at the hospital when she’s born. We’re so uncomfortable around these people on a normal day so I couldn’t imagine how it would be whilst I’ve just gone through childbirth; which is fair. My partner brought this up today and expressed our wishes and the woman absolutely cracked it. I’m so shocked that she can’t see where we’re coming from.

When my nephew was born, my sil had the same idea and didn’t want anyone at the hospital, however she made the mistake of sending out a text when he was born and the WHOLE family either showed up at the hospital or sat outside their house until they were let in. I refuse to deal with that so we weren’t even going to send a text until we were ready for visitors. She now keeps going on about how selfish I am and that I’m trying to keep her granddaughter away from her. Like no sweet heart, not only are you fucking crazy but she’s my daughter before she’s your granddaughter and our wishes come first.

None of them have showed any interest in this pregnancy literally at all, so I’m so annoyed that now all of a sudden it’s the end of the world.

I’m not sure what I plan on getting out of this post guess I just needed to rant lol

Anyone else have these kinds of issues? Feel free to rant below