Which one do I chose?

My boyfriend doesn’t help me financially or with things such as a broken car, home repairs, etc. He has yet to want to make an actual home together. But I fill such passion for him. I feel the butterflies in the stomach when I see him and when we make love I feel something I’ve never felt before. On the contrary, my ex husband helps me with everything. This weekend he is fixing my car AC, at times he comes and mows my yard. He’s a good man and he wants me back. I know he will give me financial stability and provide a better home for my kids. Which by the way my youngest less than 1 is my boyfriends not my ex husband’s. He is so caring and playful to him. While my boyfriend is polite to my kids in that he doesn’t mistreat them but doesn’t try to carry on a conversation with them at all. For my ex I just don’t feel the passion. I feel a deep gratitude and care feelings though. What should I do?