Bleeding in week 5

Hi all. I had a positive pregnancy test on Sunday (&Tuesday! 😂)

And then Wednesday night had some bleeding.

During yesterday there wasn’t a lot of blood but some clots. I spent most of the day crying thinking I was miscarrying.

We had a doctors appointment yesterday and they sent us to emergency where we had a blood test (for HCG and to see if my RH is +ve or -ve) and ultrasound. (We got to see the embryo sac!)

Now they said there’s nothing to do but wait. In 11-15 days we have to have another ultrasound to check development of the embryo to see if it’s growing. She said it had good placement but now we just have to wait.

I have to go back to emergency if I have more bleeding and otherwise just take it easy (no sex 😔, no heavy exercise)

The weird thing is I’ve not had any cramps or pain so at the moment they don’t think I’m miscarrying. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Has anyone else had bleeding / clots in first trimester and it’s all been ok?