I’ve suddenly started itchiness all over my body!


Over the past few days I’ve been tormented with itchiness all over my body. It comes in waves and feels like I have things crawling all over my body. Is anyone else getting this symptom?

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YES!!! OMG YES!!! Its normal! It happens to less woman than it doesn't happen too,but its very normal. This actually took me some time with my OB to figure it out. Its caused by a rise in hormones. It usually happens more to first time mommies, but it can happen in any pregnancy. It may sound wired, maybe gross, but I recomend you designate a hair brush to itching. The kind with the balls on the end. It really helps and it won't allow you to itch so bad, that you itch yourself raw and get those blood clot type of "rash" you get from itching to much and hard. Also out of everything you can use while pregnant, the benadryl cream is probably the best, but still don't take the itch away 100%. ...honestly the brush has been the best thing I've figured out yet. This started pretty early in pregnancy for me and im 15w6d now and I still have this problem. It has gotten better though! Not nearly as much and as many places as before. Before I was itchy EVERYWHERE, but now just here and there. Praying it goes away altogether.


MommaB • Jul 20, 2019
Well hopefully it will drop as time goes. Your body should become used to the amount of hormones but its possible it wont 😅. Best of luck, sorry you have to experience this, by far my worst symptom yet!😂


Alice • Jul 19, 2019
Thank you for commenting. The brush makes sense I’m going to order one now! Mine only started a few days ago I’m 16wks +2. Pregnancy sure is an adventure!