Baby not able to latch

Niqi • Mom of 4

So my daughter is 1 day old and I’m a little bummed that she can’t properly latch. I’ve been having issues with finding a good way to get her to get on the breast but no luck. She is my 4th kid and this is the 1st time this has happened. I’ve been having to supplement with formula (which is still hard for her because she can’t properly suck the nipple)and I’m kind of sad about it but I want her to be able to get some nourishment. I’ve talked to a latch consultant and her pediatrician and they say it just takes some babies longer to get the hang or things but I just hate that she can’t do it. She a pretty good baby and not at all fussy I’m just sad that I can’t nourish her with breast milk as my milk has yet to come in and barely making any colostrum. Any tips or advice would be helpful, I’m just sad that it’s not how I planned