Femara/follistim/ and ovidrel cycle

Angel Rogers • 24 years old • Wife [9.9.17] • 2 blighted ovums 8/17/18 & 12/7/18 •TTC our rainbow 🌈 I have PCOS and blood clotting disorder

So, I will take femara starting tomorrow day 3-9, follistim day 9-11 and then on August 2nd I go in for ultrasound for them to check my follicles. That will be CD16. I feel like that’s a few days too late in the cycle? I’m guessing he wants to see if I ovulate on my own before doing the trigger? What do y’all think? I also figured we would do several ultrasounds every other day to monitor me closely being I only done 2.5mg of femara 2 months ago and over stimulated. What do y’all who have been through these meds think about this? This is my first time with injections