What do you lady’s think about these !? Me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for a couple years now and it’s just not happening. I don’t know what to do ?

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Posted at
Me & my dh concieved 2xs on Fertilaid for couples, this time we concieved on FH Pro for couples. Fertility supplements are a great way to prepare your body for Pregnancy. I wish you lots of baby dust 🤞


Posted at
I’m on the “doesn’t hurt to try” kick. They’re just $20, if not too much of financial burden why not. Lol I’m currently trying some supplements named Balance by Alani Nu that’s supposed to aid fertility. We will see!! Baby dust to y’all 💙


Taylor • Jul 19, 2019
You are very right ! I am feeling the same way as you lol why not !? ❤️🥰


Posted at
You should see a doctor


Jul • Jul 19, 2019
Losing weight comment is bull... I would see a different doc!!


Taylor • Jul 19, 2019
I have he said for me to lose some weight and come back in 9 months and if I haven’t gotten pregnant he would put me on some medicine too help . I am scheduling it ASAP cause it’s been 9 months or more .


Posted at
See a doctor. If you haven’t conceived in over a year, a vitamin is probably not going to be sufficient. It doesn’t hurt, and if you haven’t been taking a prenatal, that is important to do! Good luck!