
So yesterday I went in for just a regular appointment. Welp ended up having to get tested for preeclampsia they have me doing a 24hr test because they did find protein in my pee and I have a couple of the symptoms do preeclampsia on top of that I was already diagnosed with gestational diabetes and while they had me on the monitors and stuff I had two contractions while I was there and then I started having pains throughout my whole entire body that would last for a few minutes and then go away and then come back a 5-10 minutes later but then eventually it stopped last night before I went to bed haven’t really had any pain since then that was horrible. Because of the GD they had my induction date for 3 days before my due date , he was 4 pounds 4 ounces at 30 weeks and 4 days and I feel like I look bigger either everyday or every two days I went from 119 to 168.8 I’m 5’3 but I’m still all belly everyone says they can’t tell I’m pregnant from behind but from the front and side it’s definitely noticeable, I will be 35 weeks tomorrow. If anyone has experienced both gestational and preeclampsia at the same time did you go into labor naturally or did they induce you and what week did they induce you