Ex in delivery room

So I’m 37+4 and very recently single. I’ve been with this man almost 6 years and living together for 3. We’ve both just had enough of each other. He feels I don’t give him enough attention. Honestly I don’t b/c everything is on my shoulders. I work full time on my feet all day then come home to cook, clean and do laundry. I’ve pretty much been preparing for this baby on my own. He’s always tired from working all day blah blah blah. Whenever I would bring it up to him he gets angry. Tells me to go f*ck myself, says I’m ungrateful and the list goes on.

Now do I or do I not allow him in the delivery room? I’m sick and tired of him stressing me out and don’t feel he deserves to be there.

Looking for some of insight on how others would handle this situation.