

Hey girls. Ive been pretty down lately. I quit my job vecause i refuse to deal with giving up my self resepct and the company wouldn't help me get things done but my guys okay withit. Im a very independent, strong female. I AM NOT USED TO THIS. My guy gives me his card, i control the. Money flow and getting bills, food, landry and shit done. I have control of something im not just chilling with my thumb acting as a sex toy... 😁 BUT i need something. I am recently sober (6 months), no babies (yet) one (spoiled ass) dog, a boyfriend ans his twin pain in the ass plus a full house to keep in order and tidy. That was part of the deal. They work, i get to, well, not work. But im depressed. Im anxious. Ive come out of that manic phsasse and im alone. Mentally. Ugh. Help?! Any tips, tricos, talks, chit chat yall wanna have, im here. Let's

Go! (Im 26 felmale with bipolar depression and Hashimoto disease.)