I'm late...

My last period was June 11th, lasted 5 days and was pretty normal. I then had 2 days of spotting at the beginning of this month. Now I'm supposedly 9 days late 🤨 I took a dollar store test yesterday but it looked negative. Should I test again with a better test or just wait it out and see if AF comes?!? I did not confirm ovulation by opk, just kept an eye on my cm and cervix position.


*Boobs go back n forth from normal to full and heavy.

* Cervix goes to high and open, high and closed and mid and open. (All over the place)

* A little bloating.

*Crying at silly things (this morning I cried at cartoons)

* Neausea comes and goes.

* Cm goes dry for a week and then goes back to egg white cm.

*I'm bloated right now.


My body feels all sorts of messed up right now. Hahaha....what do I do!!??