Negative Nancy Mood

I’m in such a crabby mood and it’s bumming me out! It’s almost 3:30 in the morning, I’m 38+6, have massive heartburn, tired from being a mommy all day, listening to my husband snore, and dreading the fact that my husband’s grandparents are visiting tomorrow and I’ll be entertaining rather than resting. This is the last weekend we have as a tiny family of 3 before our newest son arrives and EVERYONE in our family knows I have a c-section scheduled on Tuesday but his grandparents still make plans to come see us. I feel like no one stops to think about how I may be feeling or the fact that I’ve been very uncomfortable and not getting much sleep. All I can think about is how hard the sleep deprivation was the first time and my opportunities for rest are quickly fading away because come Tuesday, little man will be here. I also am remembering how hard it was the first time too because it felt like my husband thought his paternity leave was a vacation and didn’t really look out for me very much as I was healing from my first c-section. I know there were tons of happy moments too but as I sit here so uncomfortable, I can’t help but feel like I’m drowning in negative emotions. Try as I might, can’t snap out of it right now and I just want to cry!