My mom doesn’t know I’m trying to get pregnant

We have been trying to conceive for a year. My mom doesn’t know and I don’t think I’m going to tell her anytime soon. My husband and I are both in our early twenties. We are stable financially and have our own place. Every time I say a baby is cute or something like that she’s like “you’re too young” “you’re not ready” and my personal favorite “I’m too young to be a grandma” she’s 40. I’m just like “you’re too young to be a grandma cause you had me when you were 16” 🙄 ON PURPOSE mind you. She purposely got pregnant because my grandparents didn’t approve of my dad. (With good reason) he was much older than her. She keeps saying I should wait until I’m 30. If only she knew we’ve been trying so long already. She’s crazy to think I’d even contemplate waiting that long. My husband and I want a big family and we want to start now.

Anybody else get told they’re too young to have a kid?