Waking up baby to feed


My baby is 10 days old and pretty much ever since day 1, she has slept long stretches and doesn’t quite wake up for feedings, so I typically have to wake her up to feed (at the 3 hour mark, occasionally longer if she just won’t wake up). She HATES it and gets so frustrated once she’s awake that she has so much trouble latching. We are already having trouble latching as were supplementing with formula and expressed milk so this just makes it 10x worse. I literally dread feeding times because of this. It’s so mentally draining: trying to rouse her, changing her diaper, undressing her, putting a cold was cloth on her, etc. Ped isn’t worried about it and just doesn’t want her to go longer than 5 hours between meals. Does any one else have this issue and how do you cope?