Moms of multiple kids, bladder leakage (rant)

I am almost one year postpartum. I recently had a uti that was treated and the medication helped, then 2 days later I had all uti symptoms again but not enough bacteria for a uti but more than a healthy person should have, so they treated me again. Since than I haven’t had any pressure but now I’m leaking urine. That was a big issue while I was pregnant but after having the baby got rid of the symptoms. I am just wondering if anyone had issues leaking urine postpartum a year later. I had two vaginal births and leakage throughout my pregnancy so I was shocked when it went away. Just trying to figure out if it’s baby related or I have something else going on. Could be both— my primary care is unsure if this ob related or urologist related— she’s hoping that my third urine test will tell us. If there bacteria and blood still urologist but if not maybe ob— even though my ob will not see me for this.