Weight Change



Oh boy.... So, last year on November 7th was my last period and I weighed 110 pounds and even before then I have been trying to lose weight, so I lost 5 pounds at that time, but now I went too far... I minimized my caloric intake to under 1,000 every day gradually and now I am down to 99 pounds.... My period still did not come back and I have been losing TONS of hair to the point that it is thinner and I have bald spots... I upgraded my caloric intake to 1300 but that still wasn't enough so now I upgraded it to 1500. This is so hard and I have to see my body become the shape that I didn't want it to be again 😞 I know it's not healthy but it's so hard.... I went to an endocrinologist and she prescribed to me Provera so I took that for 10 days and it's been almost 4 days after I finished the 10 and my period still didn't come back yet... I'm really worried, and I don't want to keep losing hair and bone mass...

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Posted at
I have no idea how tall you are or why you ever felt the need to loose weight at 110lbs but you are starving yourself. You should be eating at least 1,600+ calories a day...girl your periods are messed up because your body is screaming for more nutrition. Please start eating more and I promise your periods will regulate again


Ma • Jul 21, 2019
It's okay, the thing is my mom went through this when she was younger but now she's kind of just pushing me. But it is okay! Thanks for talking to me 😊


vdm • Jul 21, 2019
Oh man I’m sorry they aren’t giving you support through this :(


Ma • Jul 21, 2019
You're at a safe weight though! I have spoken to my parents about this and such and all they tell me is to eat more but it isn't as easy as just saying it, ya know?


Posted at
How old are you? When i first started having my period it came for a few months and its stopped for a few and then it comes and goes for a long duration of time per cycle. A few years ago i was diagnosed with pcos however i never had any of the symptoms related to the condition that gave me any concern aside from the irregular cycle and my weight. Has your endocrinologist talk to you about this condition? When i was initially diagnosed they started my off with provera as well which took effect within a week after the 10pills. I was prescribed other pills afterwards but it will all depend as to what hormonal imbalance you might have if you do have pcos.


Ma • Jul 23, 2019
She did do a blood tests and she said all my hormones were in balance so I don't know what my problem is because I have been eating more now and still nothing... Thank you so much for the encouragement, it means a lot ❤❤❤


Carla • Jul 23, 2019
If your period doesn’t come frequently after you gain more weight then ask her bout pcos. When they diagnosed me they did it through bloodwork to check if theres any hormonal imbalance.. hope everything does go well and don’t worry about gaining some weight as long as youre eating and living healthy. And dont starve yourself, eat and just go to the gym, enjoy life a little more, maybe youre just stressed. Good luck! (Note: im sure you’re perfect just the way you are even before you went on the diet❣️)


Ma • Jul 23, 2019
I'm 16 almost 17 but my endocrinologist didn't say anything about PCOS. All she talked about was me having to eat more. It's been either 3-4 days after taking Provera and my period hasn't come back yet...