Should I try a vba2c


This is my 3rd pregnancy... I had an emergency c-sec for my first coz of cord presentation (this was after 16 hrs of painful labor)... The second time around, I tried everything that I knew for a normal delivery... Used to go up and down about 36 flights of stairs on average daily, power walk for miles on end and towards the end, I used to dance like crazy just to get things going... I had a few things against me... My baby was predicted to be 10lbs+.. so my doctor kept telling me that the earlier he comes out the better (I practically starved myself for the last 6 weeks to keep him from gaining more).. Anyway, 2 days before my due date, I started regular contractions and I kept it to myself (I am from India, and people don't let you labor from home much).. I also started leaking fluid... I waited till the contractions we're 5 minutes apart and painful enough... By then 24 hrs had passed already... The doctor checked me and said that I was 50% effaced but only half a cm dilated... I laboured on for 7 hrs with back to back contractions that we're super painful to the extend that I could barely breathe in between... And at the end of those 7 hrs, doctors checks me again and I've made zero progress... The doctor was worried coz if I do wait more, even if I were to dilate sufficiently, I've been labouring for 2 days straight and might not be able to push the baby out... Long story short, I had another C-section.

This time around, I kind of gave up on even trying especially because I am in a lot of pain all together and can't manage any drastic measures... But as my scheduled appointment approaches, I feel guilty...

I'd like any advice on if I should try again... And how I should go about doing it... Saving grace this time around is that the baby is not that big...

So ladies... Anything will be of major help