My birth experience.

Jen • Mama to a beautiful baby girl. Henley Mae. 10.2.15
I just wanted to share my experience with you all. I had a doctors appointment at 145 when I went in I was only 1cm dilated 60-70% effaced, and lost my mucus plug while there. My doctor told me to go home and take a nap to relax. That's what I intended on doing. I went home and around 405 I started having intense contractions. I never really had Braxton hicks so these hit me hard. I knew they were major when I had tears in my eyes. I began to monitor them and they ranged from 2 minutes to 10 minutes apart. I went in to the shower to help relax myself, and as I got out boom, my water broke. I was told to get to the hospital with in a hour. I was sent in to triage where I believed I was going to be left there. I wanted to go home, I was over it at this point. The pain was horrible. I constantly felt like I was going to poop myself and couldn't stop shaking. They finally got me a room and got me set up for an epidural. I finally got to the room at about 7ish and they attempted the epidural 3 times. After is was successful I was check again for 3-4 centimeters. Well baby was having late decelerations. I was put on oxygen, given multiple bouls', and medication to lessen the contractions. This went on for about 2 hours or so. I was closely monitored and baby began to do fine again...then I switched positions. Her heart rate dropped. Next thing you know it I'm being told to switch positions again while the staff began packing and preparing for or. That was the scariest moment of my life. I couldn't kiss my parents or Patrick good bye. All I could do was lay there crying and thinking the worst. By the time we got back to the or her heart rate became normal again but the still wanted to proceed with the c-section. All I wanted was Patrick at this moment and my daughter to be healthy. Everything was going so fast and there was so much to take in. It only took about 20 minutes until I heard my daughter cry. It was beautiful. Not the ideal way I wanted to have her, but she could not tolerate the labor process. The staff here at UPMC Magee Pittsburgh are simply amazing. I've never felt so comfortable in my life. They applauded me for keeping myself under control, but really it was because of them. I am just so thankful and happy my daughter is healthy and doing great. I on the other hand am still struggling but that's ok. She's what is important.