Clearblue OPKs & will I not ovulate? 😢


Today I got my 6th flashing smiley (high) on my digital OPK. I highlighted the parts of the FAQs for this test kit that are stressing me out. I started testing 2 days later than normal because I didn’t want to waste tests when I knew they’d be negative (these tests are expensive -the cheap ones don’t work for me). The first highlighted part worries me that I messed something up by not starting testing on the right CD. Thoughts? Next, I’m worried that I just won’t ovulate this month which is going to devastate me because my bf and I have had intimacy issues in the past and this month we broke through some major barriers we’ve been having - him not realizing I’m putting on the moves, not being in the mood, him not wanting to use ovulation to determine when we have sex, me not sharing ovulation test results, him not orgasming etc. - and to not ovulate through all of this will suck! Maybe my LH surge is just too low to detect because I’ve woken up several times to pee between 2 and 5am (without testing because I go back to sleep) so maybe it’s more of a diluted urine? Thoughts on that? Gosh I just feel so dumb, I wanted to be able to relax and just have fun making a baby but this whole experience has shown me how much anxiety I actually have. This is the first month I have actually felt GOOD. Sex is happening and he is finishing! Any thoughts, ideas etc. or anyone who just wants to talk I’m grateful for!