How can someone that loves you hurt you so much.


I’ve been with my bf for over 4 years and last year we broke up because he treated me like shit and made me feel like I wasn’t a priority in his life. Told me he didn’t love anymore and etc. I ended up taken him back he said he was lost without me and loved me and was sorry. This past month he has made me feel like he doesn’t give a single fuck about me. I didn’t see him for two weeks. He said he was busy with his family. He was to busy to call me or see me. Random snaps here and there. Yesterday he apologized and was like I love u and sorry etc. today he spend less than a hour with me and we had plans to go out together. He got a phone call from his friend and he left. How can someone that suppose to love me treat me this way. I been crying for days and I told him how he makes feel and they way he is acting. Like why does he treats me like shit like everyone comes before me. He never chooses me like wtf. I called him two nights ago crying telling him life wtf why re you doing this. He didn’t even come to see if I was okay. He says I’m being childish and crazy for crying and feeling like that. Why am I so stuck like why can’t I leave. Idk how to stop texting him and never talk to him again. I don’t deserve this but idk how to stop I don’t know how to just leave.