

Hi all, I am so happy and excited to be a part of this awesome group, and I look forward to being with you all for the next 38 weeks! I’m Valerie and this is my story! I am pregnant via <a href="">IVF</a> with at least 1 of 2 embryos transferred 5 days ago. It’s been a wild ride for my husband and I.

We started TTC in January of 2017 and got pregnant naturally after 13 months, and a diagnosis of PCOS and low motility. We were over the moon and expected to bring home a healthy daughter. The pregnancy went smoothly and all of our prenatal tests came out awesome. Our nightmare began at our 20 week ultrasound when we learned our daughter was missing her kidneys (an extremely rare condition) We were put in a situation that no parents want to be in, and made the choice no parent wants to have to make.

We tried to concieve shortly after her passing without success. Luckily, a change in employer for my husband meant we now had a new insurance policy, which covered <a href="">IVF</a>! We had our initial consultation in Feb. of this year, and in April, I started injections. In May, I had my egg retrieval surgery in which 17 eggs were collected. The very next day, we learned that all 17 of our eggs fertilized! Unfortunately, we were not able to transfer any embryos later that weel due to me developing a severe complication from the surgery. So into the freezer, our embryos went. We ended up with 8 embryos making it to freeze!

Last week, on Wednesday, my husband and I went back to the <a href="">IVF</a> center to have 2 embryos transferred to my uterus. 4 days later, I took an internet cheapie test and could have sworn I saw a second line. We went to the store to get some FRER’s, I took one this morning and BAM! BFP!

I am excited and cautiousely optimistic, due to my previous experience with pregnancy. We won’t know for awhile how many of the embryos stuck. I’m incredibly excited, though, to have my rainbow baby onboard!