Time for another?


Growing up I said the more the merrier. I got pregnant at 17 and I gave my first son up for adoption. Side note: he is still very much in my life.

Now met a man got married and planned a family. Things are great we even just bought a house. My little one is now 7 months old. Man has he been a handful. I wasn’t sure If i wanted another one at all. Now my husband made a comment how our little boy is going to be very wild if he doesn’t get a sibling. Now I can’t stop thinking about having another baby. I want to be pregnant right now. Is that crazy? Me and my older sister are 364 days apart so the closeness doesn’t bother me. Well not the thought of them being close I’m age. Me raising them close I’m age is scary. But I don’t want to be done with it all then start over.