Long time no see

I have two minute until work is over. I’m pressing the save button on my computer for my last file just as my phone lights up. On the screen is the number (843) 485-9742. It looks vaguely familiar but I can’t place a name to the number.

I decide to answer the call as I pack up my stuff and walk towards the exit and out to my car.

The caller says, “Hey Anna!” I recognize the voice immediately.

It was Chris, my high school crush. I liked him so much. He had a nice personality, he was funny, smart, and charming. He also had the hottest body I’d ever seen.

He worked out all the time so his abs were very detailed, and his biceps were, *sigh*, dreamy. I’d catch myself staring every now and then and only hoped he’d never notice that I was.

“Hey Chris, long time no see. How are you?”

“I’m good, I’ve finished college and found a career in obstetrics and gynecology! What about you?”

“That’s great, I’ve also graduated college and found a job as a botanist!”

“That’s great!”

“Just wondering, how’d you get my number by the way?”

“I still had Clair’s number and asked her for your’s.”

“Oh, okay. Is there any specific reason that you called?”

“Actually yeah there was...”

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me?” Oh. My. God. My high school crush for 4 years just asked me out.

“Yes. You’re still in Hayesville, North Carolina right?”

“Sure am!”

“Ok, where and when?”

“My place, 8 pm, tonight? I can pick you up?”

“Ok, I’ll see you later! I’ll send you my address when we hang up.”

“Ok, bye, see you later!”

I hang up and hug my phone to my chest while still in my car sitting in the office parking lot. I quickly send him my address and start driving home.

This is my first story so please no hateful comments. Comment if I should continue or not and if I should make them longer. Also I will have episodes with sex but I wanted to have a background.