I have no one so hoping people help me on here..

So me and my boyfriend have been together almost 3 years. Sunday he came home amd told me he needed tk work on himself and his anger in order for us to work and told me to get the hell out.. So i did. I came to my dads. Here i am at day 2... Its so beyind hard. Hes my world. My life. My everything. Before this we used to be so happy but the last year we havent much at all. We fight about alot. Trust is losing its spot. He calls me so many names when hes mad at me. But at the end of the day everything is always okay... Anyone ever go through this? Will he change? Will we be ok? Im trying my best not to contact him as when i do he says to let him be... He said he doesnt hate me, he just needs to get his health back on track. Will he come back to me if i give him space? What do i do? I have 0 friends. Not close with my family. I feel so lost and empty.. Someone help me. Im begging 😭