I need help!! Please

Okay so this might be long, but help please. I started testing for ovulation on cycle day 10... on cycle day 13 I woke up feeling crampy so I took an ovulation test and it was so close so I took another and it was positive. Then a hour or so later they were negative... this kept happening from cycle day 13 till cycle day 15.. on cycle day 16 I started spotting light pink for a day and a half maybe and then it stopped so I thought maybe that was ovulation and about 6 days later I started getting EWCM and a small amount of pink blood mixed in just one time and it went away... I tested again for ovulation and on cycle day 24 and 25 I got positives all day both days with no negative like I usually get so I’m literally sooo confused... what was all the spotting about this month and why did my tests go positive early and negative?? I took a pregnancy test this morning just to make sure and it’s negative so the cycle day 24&25 tests weren’t because of that and I don’t surge before my period... I don’t even know when to expect my period now...