Do u consider this rape

Well.. my brother didnt live with us at the moment he was living with my grandma. We would always go over to my grandma while my mom and dad where at work. But one day i was upstairs with my brothers while my grandma was making dinner.. something with green beans. But my brothers where on the bed and i was walking back from the room with all of the stuffed animals cause he has this pink powerager that loved.. once i walked it there he asked me to unbutton my pants and i said no at first and asked again and said yes and did it.. then you said pull your pants down and i said no like 5 time and the 6th times i have stupid and did it... it was then he layed me down.. i dont remember if it was rough or soft tbh... but he to off ny underwear and lefted up one of my legs put it on his shorter and started thursting... he always had burn marks on his carpet i still remember feeling the carpet like scratching my back cause the back of my shirt was coming up... mu brother started laughing and me being stupid i started laughing to but i was so scared.. i remember stearing at this pirate spongebob alarm clock and i was just staring at it My grandma yelled for us and i hurted up and put my clothes back on and act like nothing happen. My grandma asked what was so funny and i looked at my brother threw this clear green vase and he like looked at me it a way idk how to explain. But i said a funny thing he made out of legos. My mom and dad picked me up. i got tested and stuff and there was no dna no nothing my hyman wasnt broke so it did hurt but i was uncomfortable.. . So no one ever believed me.. hard to tell is my mom and dad do... what would you guys call this?