

I have been tracking my ovulation the last 3 months with opk (clear blue advance) and I usually have 3 high fertility days and then my peak and the last two months my peak day was on CD 13 or 14

So I started testing this time around CD 11 to make sure I didn’t miss anything it’s now CD 17 and I have gotten 6 high fertility days from the test and I have yet to get a peak. I’m wondering if it’s possible that I still might ovulate or that maybe my LH was never high enough for my test to detect when I was ovulating.

Also I have been drinking Pink Storks Fertility Tea for about a week now and I’m wondering if the tea has affected my ovulation?

I’m just looking for some opinions on if I should keep testing and still be hopeful that I haven’t ovulated and missed my chance or if this month was just off for me.

My period was 7/8-7/11