Hospital bedrest since 26 weeks


Hi! I was admitted at 26 weeks for preterm labor with our DI/DI twins. I’ve since gotten 2 courses of the betamethasone, indocin, and I’ve gotten magnesium 3 x now since the contractions were getting more intense and they thought we would deliver early. Thankfully, they’ve been able to stop the contractions each time and tomorrow we will be 31 weeks! They are planning to keep me in the hospital until I deliver, whenever that may be. I have been here 5 weeks already and I know we are doing what is best for our babies and of course their safety is my top priority. My husband and our family and friends have been so incredible with coming to visit, but it is so lonely when I’m by myself in this small room! I’m usually allowed off the floor in a wheelchair for 30 minutes a day, but other than that, I have to stay in bed. Does anyone have any advice to not go totally crazy while on bedrest in the hospital?