Desperately need advice, sorry so long


I need advice. I am so confused and upset. I gave birth in 2016 via emergency c section after pushing for a while (i don’t know how long but definitely over an hour on and off). My son was 8 lbs 13 ounces and he was face up. Anyways i am now 36 weeks and really wanting my vbac. The office i see has 4 doctors. My favorite doctor from day 1 has told me he is not crazy about me trying for vbac due to the reasons that i had my c section, he says that they are recurrent reasons and likely to happen again, and he’s not crazy about trying for vbac after a fully dilated previous c section. So i had scheduled my section for 2 days before my due date and he has said that in the past that if i go into labor on my own and everything is looking ok, i can perhaps try vbac.

Anyways, during the past 8 months i rotate and see the other doctors also and some of them are much more pro vbac than he is and don’t make it like it’s such a big deal . I should say though that he always spends the most time going over everything and my history with me. However 2 weeks ago when i saw one of the other doctors that i really like also, her exact words were “it’s worth a try.” So I’ve been happy about that. Today i had an appt with my favorite doctor again and he told me that he wanted to have a talk with me and that the practice is cracking down on allowing vbacs after a fully dilated c section. I said just two weeks ago the other doctor told me it’s worth a try. I really want to have more kids, i would love 4 and that is why i want a vbac so bad. I also don’t want to be stupid, but it is so confusing to me when doctors in the same practice have such different points of view. My doctor told me today that he understands my want for more children and that we can see what happens but he really wants me to push the section up to the earliest date possible which is 5 days before my due date.

I don’t know what to do and feel very lost. Any insight / advice would be greatly appreciated. Also today the baby was measuring 6 pounds 4 ounces and i still have 4 weeks left.