worried about hubby

my hubby is 6'1 and about 330 pounds..yes big guy. I'm worried bc he has pretty bad heartburn about everyday, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day sometimes, complains about chest pain sometimes...but something that bothers me ALOT is how bad he sweats at night like pouring sweat hes soaking wet every single night and whatever is coming out of his pores smells like crap ...its different sometimes its smells like regular sweat sometimes like vinegar but tonight it smell like rotten cheese. He has good hygiene but poor guy I know it's his weight thats got him going thru this and I'm almost to the point I cant sleep beside him anymore. he has no insurance so thats why I havent made him go to a dr. to get checked out. and hes very stubborn and set in his ways so starting a diet is out of the question I've tried. I try telling him hes not gonna be around 4 the babies when they get older if he doesnt try to change but he just wont even try. I'm no model figure so he just looks at me like "yea right dont tell me nothing when u dont do it yourself". I'm not obese but I am overweight. his mom and sis have tried to tell him too but there also overweight so again he doesnt want to hear it. I wish I had enough discipline to lose weight and maybe he would follow my lead but right now I'm just to busy so I guess he feels the same.