Dealing with hospital bills

So last year my husband and I had to take on the roles of caregivers to his late grandfather. Grandma is still around but couldn’t care for him like he needed and they refused to but him in a nursing home. So all last year I cooked meals, cleaned and transported them to all their appointments/shopping. Their son (FIL) and daughter didn’t help us with anything. I’m a SAHW so it was literally my full time job. We racked up so much debt caring for them. He passed last November and we’ve been trying to pay of the debt while caring for grandma now too.

Present time issue: I had to have a laparoscopy done on May 2nd. Before it someone at my doctor’s office set up a payment plan for me. Said that everything would be covered under it and I would have one bill.

By the beginning of June, I hadn’t received a bill so I called my doctors office. And when I spoke to someone they said that it wasn’t processed till May 25 and that any statements I was receiving from the medical office to ignore them because I was paying the loan to another source. So I did. They said my first bill was due this month so just ignore them and wait for that statement.

This week I got another statement and it says it’s going to collections. So I called my doctors office first thing the next day and they called me back today. I’m so annoyed right now. They said that that bill was not under the payment plan and whoever told me to ignore statements was misinformed. ALSO, they were looking in their system and there was a bill for $800 that hadn’t been attached to the loan like it should have been so that adds another $60 to my payment.

So now I’m scrambling to get these bills under control because someone was misinformed. I can’t get a job because grandma needs my care and I don’t know how we’re going to pay this debt and all these bills that are popping up.

I know God will provide but right now I want to cry. Everyone in our family comes to us for help but they’re no where to be found when we need it. 😞