Well so much for that thought...

Arielle • Mom to an angel, Quinn Jordan 💗 (11.29.14) and Bennett Ace 💙 (8.2.19)

I walked outta work this morning with a weight lifted off my shoulders thinking it was my last day of work and headed off to what I thought was my last OB appt...NOPE!

We were scheduled for induction on Tuesday, supposed to start the process Monday night. Well this boy is stubborn because he’s not making any progress whatsoever! In fact he’s regressed!! Last week he was sitting low in my pelvis. This week he is no longer in my pelvis and basically sitting with his head on my right hip. (That could explain the horrible hip pain on my right side...go figure!!)

Well, since he’s not even entirely head down, and my cervix is still long and hard and no dilation...she won’t induce on Monday night as planned. She’ll have me come back in on Tuesday and she’ll check me again, probably do a membrane sweep and then we’ll decide if we’ll attempt induction next weekend!

I’m soooo disappointed! I got in my car and just bawled! The hormones don’t help of course! I know anything can change in a blink of an eye but it’s still really frustrating when you have a plan in your head and there was a “for sure” end in sight!

I had a massage scheduled for after my appt and that was amazing and now I’m gonna go get a pedicure. I’m gonna spend my weekend walking and probably practically forcing my husband to have uncomfortable sex with me! Haha

Originally, we were looking at induction for a couple reasons...1) he has been a big baby from the get go but all of a sudden she thinks “he’s evened out!” Easy for you to say lady, you’re not pushing this giant out of your vagina!! And 2) because we live 2hrs from the hospital and she didn’t want to take any chances because I went 0-60 with my daughter once I got started. Granted I was induced and 41wks but I hadn’t made any progress with her either, even at 41! So that makes me really nervous!

Anyways, I’m gonna go wallow in my self pity for a little bit! Haha