What is the most controversial parenting skill you've employed in your life?


Since I know some of us aren't parents you can add your input on some of the things you'd do as a parent that are considered as controversial.

No shaming. This isnt a post for you to go through the comments on and say "wow that's shitty/fucked up" if you don't like what someones said just keep on scrolling through.. until you find a comment that you can add some positive feedback to.

My life as a parent has been fairly uncontroversial other than me doing elimination communication with my child and now at 16 months old shes pretty good at getting herself to the bathroom without going in her diaper.. what works for me doesn't work for everyone but that's the beauty of parenting.. it's not a one size fits all.

So let's hear it.. what's the most controversial thing you do as a parent or would do as a parent?... On a flip side if you don't plan on ever having children what was something controversial your parents did while raising you?