Induced at 36 weeks 1 Day

Star • Momma 2 on earth 💙💙 5 in heaven 👼🏻👼🏻 Trying for our 🌈

This pregnancy has had so many complications from the beginning. I went through bleeding and placenta previa which resolved itself by 28 weeks. I was also diagnosed with GD at 18 weeks and have been monitored for months nonstop. Last month during one of his ultrasounds baby had bad readings on some of his dopplers. So I was admitted to get steroid shots for his lungs and had to stay for 4 days due to elevated sugars. Eventually I went home but started getting weekly ultrasounds to keep an eye on baby and his dopplers. Everything had been fine but today when they checked his dopplers they were all reading through the roof meaning he was receiving too much of my blood flow. So both MFM and my obgyn decided it was time to induce because they didn’t want to risk it and wait any longer.

My induction started at 12:30pm but active labor actually started at around 5pm and lasted until 8:38pm. Baby boy came so quickly once my waters were ruptured. I was begging for the epidural but they never made it out the door to order it. I went from a 6 to fully dilated within 20 mins. My doctor was being called in because baby was crowning and coming but my nurse ended up having to deliver because my body just couldn’t hold him in any longer. I never thought I could go through that much pain in my life and I never knew how fast things could progress out of nowhere. He weighed 5lbs even and is 17in long. I am completely in love and blessed to have a healthy 3 year old son at home and a healthy newborn in my arms. Their birth stories are completely different.

Ladies you can do this! When you feel like you can’t take it anymore and that your body wants to give up somehow you will find all the strength to push through. These babies are worth every awful contraction and pregnancy complication. I will add more pictures of the actual delivery in the comments once my mom sends them to me but I hope you’ll enjoy these for now.