My mom doesn’t support us having a kid!

dai • Ttc our rainbow 🌈 baby!!

So me and my husband want to try for another baby! My first I miscarried which we were trying to conceive but we didn’t expect to! Anyways I want to try again but my mom is very unsupported of it! My husband has a very well job so we could afford it. And I’ve always wanted this! I’ve never wanted anything more. Maybe I’m even a bit obsessed! I love to read anything pregnancy related! Do you think I shouldn’t have a kid because of my mom? We’re not in our 20s and have been together for a few years! Also i don’t enjoy partying or drinking and neither does my husband! We will together every once and a while but I don’t find any fun in getting blacked out drunk! So it won’t make me feel like I’m missing out on anything!