Just have to share this....


For the past three months, I have been trying to complete all the necessary testing required by my fertility doctor so we could start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> treatment. My doc requires a medical clearance letter, blood work, pap smear, a recent breast exam & a mammogram. Because of having an HMO, it's been a nightmare trying to get all of these done and paid for by insurance. So the last thing on the list for me to do was my mammogram, so about two weeks ago I went in for my mammogram and they called me back saying I had dense breasts so I needed another mammogram. So then I had to go back and have a second mammogram, on this mammogram they thought they saw a mass so then they ordered an ultrasound....so then I had to go back a third time to have an ultrasound done. After the ultrasound, the radiologist told me there was a mass in my left breast that was very suspicious so he needed to do a biopsy. As expected, I've been sick over this "mass" finding... not what the result I was expecting. Thursday night, I had a dream that I went in for the biopsy and the doctor said I didn't have a mass and there wasn't a need for the biopsy anymore. I woke up that morning (Friday morning) crying bc that dream had given me so much relief, but I realized that it was just a dream and the reality was I really did have a mass that was going to be biopsied. So I ended up going in for my ultrasound guided biopsy yesterday. The Dr came in & examined this "mass" under ultrasound and then turned the machine off... He said "The area of concern has actually shrunk since your last mammogram 2 weeks ago, It is a cyst, not a tumor." Yay!!! Just like my dream...I just can't believe it! After a month of having my breasts fondled (which most importantly meant another month of not being pregnant), I now have a completed "to do list" for my fertility Dr and I FINALLY will be able to start treatment. I just wanted to share this story bc I'm so excited! Yay me!