August baby turned July

Ashley • Hi!! We have a 4 year old daughter Liliana Sue n our 🌈Savannah Grace is almost 10 months now!

Savannah Grace

7/28/19 @ 1225 am

7lbs 1 oz 22 in long

Proud daddy!!

Let me just say this birth was not exactly as I imagined but not in a bad way.... It’s a long story so I’m sorry!

38+2 and having a normal relaxing day with my sporadic BH as I’ve been having for weeks.

Went to the county fair tonight with family and kept jokingly saying I wish she would just come tonight.... which I really didn’t think she was because I’ve been having false labor all week and was just over it....

Also kept saying I’d rather have my water break so I KNOW it’s go time....

Well was scheduled to work tomorrow but placed on call so no biggie stayed out a little later...

Got home about 930pm (7/27) and took a quick shower just to be ready if I got called in in the morning....did that n just layed down to try n get comfy

Well at about 1000 I feel A contraction that I felt a little in my back for once.... 7 minutes later I had another so I got up to walk with this one to see if it was possibly the real deal....

6 mins after that I start to feel another with intense pelvic pressure to the point I’m looking at my husband saying “OMG that’s a lot of pressure n actually hurts!” Before I could finish my sentence pop went my water all over the floor.... I told my hubby who thought I was joking until I yelled for him to get me towel it was coming out again! I waddled my way to the bathroom gushing fluid with almost every step....I felt like it was pouring out of me and remember saying “ this is a lot of freaking fluid!!” Called my mom to tell her it was go time as my hubby called our niece to come stay with our sleeping 3 yr old. Got to the hospital about 1115 and after being a 3-4cm for about 2 weeks I was at a 5 upon arrival and contracting about every 2-3 mins.... it was more in my belly this time then with my first so it was bearable. Got all settled and checked in and told the nurse I’m feeling a lot of pressure she checked me again at about 1145(I think) and I was already an 8 and she said her head was right there the whole time! Doc was on her way n I was hoping she would make it! The pressure was Just as bad as the contractions but still nothing I couldn’t handle which was good cause I planned to go natural like I did with my first and there was no time for pain meds anyway.

With every contraction the pressure got more intense and thankfully at about 1215 the doctor arrived and said time to push! 2 contractions of pushing (about 6 pushes) and she was out!! I was soooo relieved. from water break to baby it was 2 hours and 15 mins! Thankfully we live close (15min) from the hospital and I didn’t take my sweet time or this girl may have been born in the car!!! Crazy crazy crazy as I am yet to really process it all cause it happened so fast! But she is here and healthy and that’s all that matters to this momma!!! good luck to all you ladies still in the waiting game!!