Leave or not (long post)


Hey guys, so I know a few have been following my post and they’ve been all over the place. Recently, we tried to have a third, didn’t work out because my husband doesn’t know how to respect boundaries and just respect women in general. So then, we were going to take some time by ourselves and I was going to stay at my grandmas house and he was like ok, I’m gonna go see our third while you’re gone and I’m gonna invite a cousin over so we fan get fucked up. Red flags immediately. So I couldn’t go to my grandma because my ultrasound was the next day so I called and told him and he’s yelling at me saying I thought you were supposed to be gone. I told him I’ll just stay in the room and I won’t bother you and he’s like no I don’t want you at the house at all. And I haven’t met this cousin and I was like well can I at least meet him because I’m your wife like wtf and hes like no. So then a few days later, he asked to use my credit card to get some food (at 11pm) and i was like sure but he’s goes and buys tokens to talk to females on a sex site but then lies to me about it continuously. So I’m tired of his shit already and then Tuesday we got into an argument and I got in my car to leave but he’s yelling at me outside and our dog got out and I’m yelling at him to get her and he stands there and says no but got mad at me because can’t see her and apparently I almost hit her and I’m just frustrated. (This was after we found our our baby stopped growing and has a low heart rate) so he’s calling me threatening me and when I come home and yelling at me to get my ass in the car and I was like you can ask me and then tried to pull me out of the car and took my keys. So I started walking and he’s like after everthing I’ve done for you you’re going to run away. Next day we sit down and talk with his mom and made a contract on how to fix our marriage(Wednesday). Friday he text some girl from tinder seeing if they could meet up on Saturday while I was at work (got sick so I didn’t go, ironically) and then while he’s on the couch with me yesterday asked if they could meet up on Monday (which is when my follow up ultrasound is) and then continuously lies about it the whole night.

Screenshots below:

These are from him and the tinder girl then ones that say hubby at the TOP are me and him

Which I don’t know what trip he’s talking about

Calling her babe

He deleted the earlier messages so I don’t know what he said to her before which is why I was like you didn’t have any other messages with her

^after I sent the screenshots

Then he sent this apology this morning