Is questioning the nature of gender valuable?


Please comment, im interested. But please don't be jerks about things, it's a sensitive topic for some people.

I think we are now questioning the gender binary and what it means to be "male" or "female" and that's why so many people are talking about diverse gender experiences, because they are finally free to ask these questions.

I think it's pretty cool, to be able to question what "femaleness" and "maleness" even is. It's a question I've kind of always been confused about, because I am philosophical like that. So, I absolutely love hearing about people's inner life and journey when it comes to their gender.

Personally, I think gender is made up of biological, social and psychological factors, and is deeply culturally influenced in terms of expression. And I definitely don't believe in the gender binary, I find ot rather nonscientific, as gender appears to be a biological spectrum & it is difficult to determine why certain traits should even be more male or more female.

I dunno. It's complicated.

Some people are very threatened or annoyed with the questioning of the gender binary and explorations of the nature of gender. I don't understand why, but I guess they think it confuses people and is science denial or is an arbitrary pursuit- and I'll at least give them that it can be superficial to be so concerned with gender expression, regardless of what side you are on.


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