Obsessive licking?


My husband and I adopted a German Shepherd mix a year and a half ago. She is a sweet dog, pretty well behaved for the most part. We found out in March that we are expecting our first child. Our routine hasn't changed much, other than I've been home more often since school is out. In April, she starting licking herself a lot. We didn't think much of it until she developed a sore on her foot in May. We treated it according to the vet's instructions and she has been fine. The last week or so she has started licking again and has developed two more spots. We caught them early this time so they're not nearly as bad as the last one. We are trying to figure out what is causing this behavior. Obsessive licking can be caused by anxiety and I'm wondering if she could be getting anxious about the impending arrival. Anyone had experience with similar behaviors? What was causing it? What helped?