Children switching schools due to bullying

Toast • *Black Lives Matter* and Happy Pride Month everyone!

I was talking to my friend about how one of the reasons I want to switch schools is I want a fresh start. I dealt with some pretty serious bullying throughout my life which included: Being screamed at when I walked on to the bus on a daily basis, being told I should get raped because I’m “that pathetic”, and the average rumors and insults. People were convinced I was a porn addict so I was deemed disgusting and weird. People would threaten to physically hurt me. I’ve even had people yell about me in class.

I have a chance to switch schools and I don’t want to be in the environment any longer. I was telling my friend that even though it’s not currently happening as severe as it did, I don’t want to have to see the faces of people who think I should be raped or would scream at me for existing. That they could always go back to targeting me. She said there are “bad people at every school” and it wasn’t a very good reason to want to switch. That I should just ignore them and how it shouldn’t bother me. But I’m genuinely scared of these kids and think that switching to a safer environment would be a good enough reason.

Who do you think is right in this situation? How severe does the bullying have to be before you’d consider having your child switch schools?