I was supposed to be induced on 4/15

I was supposed to be induced on 4/15. So we got to the hospital at 6 am, signed all the forms, got cozy and at 8 am saw my doctor. I asked her to break my water and to not do pitocin ( little did I know that pitocin is used to induce labor... I had never been induced before)
So my doctor breaks my water at 8:30 and leaves. I tried to rest, I was tired from not sleeping the night before, let’s face it, who can sleep when they know they’re having a baby the next day? Not me lol.
Contractions immediately started... they were strong and so painful. I called my mom to come to the hospital because by 9:30 I was already 7 cm dilated. 
I’m ready to push by 11. My doctor was no where to be found until 11:30. I was getting frustrated because I needed to push my baby out. Perks of not having an epidural :) 
My doctor comes in, I start pushing and we find out my baby is sunny side up, I had never birthed a baby that way... it was incredibly hard to push her out by at 11:46- my Olivia Marie was born.