27 weeks 3 days

So I'm on light duty due to the fact that I'm "very soft, 50% effaced no dialation so to speak of" wods of my ob, today I'm cleaning the girls bedroom and our bathroom tossing dirty laundry down the steps and I notice small, not super strong contractions so I stop what I'm doing and grab a bottle of water to go lay down and see if they quit, within 20 mins they stop but I'm left with a low aching back which also goes away within an hour, and I have a bought of sorry tmi here diarrhea which is weird because I'm super constipated like even when I'm not pregnant I can't go. I haven't had anymore pains or diarrhea since but I've also been sitting around a lot. My last daughter I started dialating at 30 weeks so I'm concerned its looking like I'm headed in the same direction. Does any of this even sound like its worth worrying about or even mentioning to my doc?