Cheating ¿


I'm sorry if this is way too long but I need to rant, i need to let it out.

A couple days ago I was on my husband's phone looking for a particular message for an address to a party we where going to, whatever. I was scrolling down and saw on that was named after his old job(a clothing store) so they cant text. The message read "see you later", uhmm wtf right so of course I opened it. There's not much on there it looks like it was only 1 convo, it starts off him saying hes home and they where saying how long he took getting home then they go on to say how they had a great talk, he texts back how it's always so nice talking to this person. They reply blasting they're going to bed, GUESS WTF HE SAYS BACK!? This man texts back goodnight sweet dreams. Uhmm wtf who the fuck is he even talking to?!?!

Yall I'm not even done yet, these messages are from 3months ago, that time around I was visiting my grandma out of town with my 4month old. So he was home alone for a week. Ok now of course I confronted him with what I found and he said nothing happened that all she did was call him crying about some problems she had with her bf. She wanted someone to talk to blah blah blah. That they only talked for about 5 min and he didn't want to be rude so he answered her but they never met up or anything. The messages just look bad. Ohhh also he changed the name to the store instead of her because she keeps changing her number like um why do you even have it in the first place he also recently got a new number it's not like he needs her number he doesn't work there anymore

Ok here's why this is a problem for me, a couple years back when we first started dating we got into this big fight and didn't talk for a couple days. He then was working at the store with her. She would tell him how it was okay because I didn't care for him and would ask him if she could come over and make him "feel better"... yea this bitch has the audacity!

I cant get this out of my head I'm still so mad at him for doing it like I feel fucken dumb how he talks to these girls and hides it. Idk if this is even considered cheating but in my head it feels like it. How do I even trust this guy like the only reason why he told me now was because I stumbled into it if not I would of not known about their little "friendship" because according to him their just friends and he doesn't even talk to her. that was the last time he talked to her according to him. Idk... I'm just ugh I feel like an idiot for believing him because he tends to lie alot and I feel like shit for not believing him and still being mad..

Sorry if I I'm all over the place,its just how my brain is going right now and sorry it's so long. hope yall read my little and maybe tell me whatever yall think is best