Please answer with your opinion

Long story, short.

My wife and I (lesbian couple) went through a hard time. My wife fell out of love and ended up talking to her ex for months while we were living away from where the ex lives.

She went home to visit her family alone, and went to see her ex. When she came back I found out about it. She claims nothing happened, not even a kiss. They just hung out with her family at a BBQ and played cards and drank beer.

I’m not sure what I believed. But at that point I guess it didn’t matter, we had already decided to divorce. None the less, I was so heartbroken about it.

So, we moved on from it (still getting a divorce but were civil and didn’t bring it up, she apologized etc etc)

Fast forward we moved again, together. We planned for me to move back home alone with our daughter. I did, she came with me to help get us settled in a new apartment etc.

We went on a last date together just us and cried and talked. It was good.

She left back to her home.

We decided to do a “trial separation” before she left back home. (Originally we were just going to get a straight divorce)

Well, now, we’re “back together” but still living apart and seeing how it goes. It was her call (I always wanted to stay with her and make it work despite the cheating.) so she felt like she wanted to keep trying. She’s a very strong willed and she won’t make a decision because I want it.

But part of me doesn’t feel like she really wants to be with me. Idk, I have a heavy heart wondering would she even want to be with if she did do more with her ex than just hangout? She’s the kind of person to act on exactly what she wants, if she didn’t wanna be with me she wouldn’t and that’s why were getting a divorce, for a year I tried to ask her to please make it work and try for us. Nothing.

Idk if she realized that maybe she still loves me and I’m right for her or something else...

I know this is all confusing. What’s your opinions or help with my crazy mind?

We’ve been together for 6 years and have a daughter together. I’m very in love with her. She says she loves me but isn’t in love but wants to be again. Is that even possible to fall back in love?