Jist kind of wondering what to do..

So my husband has always been secretive about his past, and I guess after 3 years of marriage I shouldn't be upset about not meeting any of his friends or knowing his life story before we got together. Thats something I something I should have brought up when we were still dating but i was naive.

Now here's the issue, I keep stumbling on old Facebook posts and pictures, most of the time by accident, of females he used to talk to and date. The thing that drives me insane is the fact that I see black and white in his own words how he felt about the person but when I try to bring it up or ask who so and so is he'll either say I don't know, lie, or get pissed off that I'm "living in the past". I try not to come off accusatory because I'm just genuinely interested who this person is.

It's becoming a huge problem and I'm sure he's starting to resent me, At the same time I'm getting more and more to the point that i just can't handle anymore. I'm to the point that I'm expecting him to just lie and I don't even bother asking him anything. Not even how his day was at work because he'll just say, good, and leave it at that.

He seems miserable and I'll admit when this first started I got a little crazy because there were people he was actually talking to while we were dating that he was lying about. I've actively been working on myself to get try to get past this and move forward but I feel like all he sees is the person I was. I can't blame him for that but like I said I've been really trying to change because it wasn't healthy and I can say I'm a better person now than I was.

I do love him and want to make it work because we have kids and there was a time we were happy. He doesn't believe in counseling because he says only people who are going to divorce need to go to counseling. 🙄 How do we get back to being happy.

*I'm not trying to hear rude comments, I'm just trying to hear advice.