My September 20th baby Became and July 29th baby

Lilah • Latina 🇲🇽🇵🇷... ♍️❣️FTM 7/29/2019👶🏽💜💜

My Little Nugget is finally here!! Ive been hospitalized and on strictly bed rest due to having PreEclampsia.. Drs did Multiple Ultrasound to finally realize that My Placenta was very sick and Not providing the correct amount of blood and nutrients for baby.. ☹️

Baby Aaliyah Valentina is doing well and Im also in recovery doing well!!

Pics Listed Below..

Pic as of 8-7-19.. Baby Aaliyah getting big and eating well.. 😍😍😘💜💜

Look at my lil grumpy ☹️😂💋🥰♥️❤️💜💜💜💜💜

Another one..!

Here she is in the incubator.. Rn’s say shes doing well and all she needs to do now and Eat and get chunk chunk🥰🥰🥰💋💋💋💋💋💜💜💜🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Today! 8-4-2019.. My little nugget getting soo big! 💜💜😍😘

As of 8/12/2018 😍 3lbs

8/16/2019.. Getting bigger 😘😻 3lbs 5oz