Anyone else's LO

Have a thing about covering their face?

His big brother likes to give him a blanket, because he's used to needing a blanket. And without fail, it goes straight over his face. But he doesn't struggle with it. It just puts it on his face and goes to sleep. Blankets, muslins, clothes, anything and everything that can cover him up 🤦‍♀️

(obviously I don't leave him covered up, and I take whatever it is away from him if I need to leave the room for whatever reason)

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Posted at
Ohhhh I thought my son was the only silly one to love the blanket all on his face lolDont worry I do remove the blanket away as soon as he falls asleep .


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My girl is the same! For her day naps I often give her a blanket or muslin to snuggle with as I can keep an eye on her but at night she doesnt have anything


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Same!!!!! He loves to pull the blanket over his face or wrap his hands in it and chew!!!


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Yessss! I hate it


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I can keep going because this is the only way he will nap during the day lol


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My boy is the same ! Anything he can pull over his head he does he even try’s to pull his shirts up I’m constantly taking stuff off his head lol if I lay him on a blanket he finds way to pull it over his face if I let him snuggle his snuggle blanket those blankets with like a stuff animal head and blanket body he puts it on his face , he does not swaddle anymore and likes to sleep with a cuddly blanket so I have to tuck half his blanket under his crib mattress so he can’t pull it up enough to cover his face silly babes learning new things lol I ALWAYS have my eyes on him cause I never no what he’s planning next lol