SIL rant

Hanu ♥️ • March 2019 🐞 June 2022 🦋

So my daughter is 4.5 months old now. Sits with support and started giving her some mashed banana. Very little amount tho like about a teaspoon if not less. So my SIL shows up yesterday and with a very pushy tone goes like have you started weaning her yet? (Like as if I’m slacking back). I told her no cuz I thought that would end the conversation. She goes on telling me how I should COOK rice cereal in FORMULA and add HONEY in it and give it to my daughter as her first solid food. Mind you she has a 4yr old son. This was literally my face

And I get anxiety by just hearing her name already cuz she things it’s her duty to give me shitty advice and be pushy about it. I know every momma has a person like this in her life