Obese VBAC success!

Hi All,

I wanted to post for anyone else who like me was looking for successful obese VBAC stories. There wasn’t much out there but I am very pleased to say I had a successful VBAC at 330 pounds!!

Yesterday morning I went into the hospital for an induction with a Foley catheter. After they poked around for a bit they realised I was already 3cm dialated so they broke my waters.

Two hours later I was feeling crampy but no contractions. They sat down with me and gave me my options.

1) I could try and wait for labour to start naturally by 6pm or have a cesarean.

2) I could start syntocin (picotin) on a very light dose then we could make an assessment at 5pm and see how I was progressing

3) Have a cesarean.

After a cry and a long discussion hubby and I went for number two. I started oxytocin at 2pm and by 5pm was having significant contractions.

I was worried about needing a cesarean (and honestly just wanting to give up) so I asked for the epidural. As I was waiting they gave me gas.

After the epidural was put in they checked me for dialation. I was 5cm, the doctors were happy to proceed as long as I was.

As my contractions were progressing and stable my dose of oxytocin remained stable. Until it hit 7:20 and babies heart rate dropped slightly to average 125bpm.

The doctor came and have a look then checked my progress. I was 10cm!! They said to give me an hour for baby to descend then I could start pushing.

And push I did. An hour later my baby was born and I, an obese woman defied the odds. She is healthy and happy!!